Veronica Fiedler

Veronica Fiedler

Veronica Fiedler, MA, provides professional learning and technical assistance to educators implementing MTSS. She also develops practical resources on MTSS and for supporting students with intensive needs. Previously, Veronica was the Specific Learning Disability Specialist (SLD) at the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). As the SLD Specialist, she was responsible for supporting Colorado educators with implementing policy and best practices for students with and suspected of having a SLD. She led projects that provided professional learning and that developed guidance documents on the special education evaluation process and on instructional practices for students with SLD. She has provided professional learning and technical assistance across a variety of formats, including webinars, face-to-face workshops, and eLearning courses. Before working with CDE, Veronica worked for 21 years in public schools in California and Colorado as both a special education teacher, general education teacher, and instructional coach.